G&M Tex Ltd is a high quality bespoke generator design and manufacturing company based near Ipswich. With a history dating back to the 1930’s G&M Tex supply Marine & Industrial, prime power or standby emergency power sets, non-road mobile applications and increasingly products in the smart energy market, combining diesel top-up fixed speed generators, fuel efficient variable speed generators for use with renewables, battery storage and grid stabilisation devices in a modular format to meet varied supply challenges and demands or to assist set up renewable or future grid connected infrastucture.
Industry Sector
NuclearOffshore WindOnshore WindTransmission & Distribution
IpswichSuffolkEast Anglia
Bio Fuel Generating SetContainerised Generating SetsDiesel Generating SetsEmergency Diesel Generating SetsFuel Tank FabricationGenerator Base FabricationGenerator DesignGenerator Enclosure FabricationGenerator Enclosure Paint SprayingGenerator ManufactureHybrid EnergyMarine Acoustic EnclosuresMarine Enhanced Dockside GeneratorsMarine Generator SetsMicrogridNational Grid GeneratorsOffshore Emergency Generator SetsRTG Equipment Generator SetsSmart Grid TechnologyStandby Generator SetsVariable Speed GeneratorsYacht Generator Sets