Products & Services
G & M Tex Powerhub
50kW to 5000kW Hybrid Energy & Microgrid Solutions
Hybrid Microgrid has 3 components :-
It may or may not be grid connected
Reliability of power supply, capacity, stability and security provision
Link with renewable energy, increase efficiency of energy, reduced operating costs
Ease of installation
Containerised solutions
Flexibility to control different energy storage resources and loads
Off grid energy
Short term peak power assistance
Standby power – automatic switch to generation if grid fails or lack of renewable power
Stabilisation of supply
Energy storage, power electronics, energy management
Fast and compact modular designs
Scalable on site due to modular design
Fuel savings through energy storage and optimised generator set efficiency
Fossil power generation used for minimum number of hours per year
Reduced stress on fossil power generation components when linked with renewables
Reduction of CO2 emissions and better for global environment
Speak to G&M Tex regards the exciting new Hybrid Energy, Microgrid and Smart Energy equipment available through our joint venture company Caigatex.