Automated Penetration Testing - Security Controls Validation
Products & Services

A Thousand Pen-Testers at Your Service. Not on Your Payroll.
Focused on the inside threat, Pcysys' automated penetration-testing platform mimics the hacker's attack - automating the discovery of vulnerabilities and performing ethical exploits, while ensuring an undisrupted network operation.
Detailed reports are produced together with proposed remediations, one step ahead of tomorrow's malicious hacker.
Gartner Quotation "If you have the ability to do it with a simple click of a button, why would you use a human to do it? The tool can ensure consistency, provide better reporting and do it faster. Not to mention requiring less skills.”
Augusto Barros, Feb 2018
Research Director in the Gartner for Technical Professionals (GTP) Security and Risk Management group.