Skills for Energy (SfE)
Could you be a Skills for Energy Champion?
Skills for Energy is a core programme of the East of England Energy Group (EEEGR). It is led by industry with the primary aim of ensuring the ongoing diversity and volume of skilled individuals for the current and future wellbeing of the energy sector.
The programme is centred on addressing core skills needs across all energy sectors, both technical and commercial and this is achieved through collaborative partnerships.
Chat to the team about how you and your business could engage with Skills for Energy.
Save the Date - Skills for Energy 2020!
Skills for Energy hold an annual event to bring students and education providers together with industry to highlight potential career paths and the full range of prospects available within the energy sector.
This year the event will look a little different to previous years as we will be delivering it online! There will be live and pre-recorded interviews, opportunities for students to ask questions of industry professionals, live and pre-recorded product demonstrations and possibly some virtual tours! All content will be recorded and accessible on demand at a later date!
We are looking for companies to get involved with our event either by exhibiting, sponsoring or attending as a delegate to engage in meaningful career conversations with students. Book a meeting with us and let us know how you could help!
Help Us Help You!
Please take 5 minutes to complete a short survey and help Skills for Energy understand the current and future needs of our industry and ultimately assist with ensuring there is an ongoing pipeline of skilled individuals for the current and future wellbeing of the energy sector.
Your input to this is invaluable and will possibly help shape future skills provision in the East of England, bringing essential skills training closer to home and more accessible. Training and Skills Accessibility Survey